Cold Rain

写这首词的时候刚开始听Damien Rice的《0》,大概是新纪四年的样子,很被那种平实而诗人式的民谣风格吸引。尤其那首作为电影《Closer》插曲的《The Blower’s Daughter》,那一遍遍反复的“I can’t take my eyes off you”,令人沉浸其中。所以在一个雨天,就有了下面的这首词。

It’s cold, cold … you know
as I look out of the window
I’m typing something alone
in my dim working room

It rains and rains this summer
And now you’re leaving my world
Again I’m feeling like a dreamer
a dreamer falling from the tower

She said go and find some other
I hear no from the deep heart
Words hurt like a dagger
It’s just cold, cold like the water

将这首词发上来的契机是听到了宋冬野的《安和桥北》。同样平实的唱腔,略带超现实色彩的歌词,平缓而抒情的弦乐伴奏,喜欢Damien Rice的我,实在也有喜欢这张专辑的理由。


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